Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Letters From Iwo Jima

For all those who like wartime flicks this is a must. Brilliantly directed by Clint Eastwood, this movie depicts the Battle of Iwo Jima from point of view of Japanese soldiers (features english subtitles). This same battle was also shown from the American point of view in "Flags of our fathers" also directed by Clint Eastwood. The battle is a part of world war II and features some of the fiercest fighting of the war. The name of the movie refers to the letters written by Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi starring Ken Watanabe (of The Last Samurai fame). This movie depicts the helplessness of the Japanese soldiers due to lack of the reinforcements from the headquarters. All the Japanese soldiers on the island are bound to die and they show great courage till the last moment of the battle. Some of the soldiers are ordered to commit suicide by their Commanders hence depicting the wartime irrationality. The movie also has a protagonist called Saigo who is a baker conscripted to Japanese army. He is like a witness to all that goes on during this battle. He is repeatedly saved by the general Kuribayashi who orders him to do some errands potentially saving his life. The background score of the movie is wonderful. This movie also won a Oscar for sound editing and also won several other awards. Be sure to concentrate while watching the movie as the names of the locations and faces of the soldiers are pretty alike..


Pallavi Damera said...

one more movie to catch up on... nice review Yadala :)

Devyani said...

Hello to the trio, very exciting blog, more interesting than the movies are the thoughts and views generated from them. Keep up the good work.