Sunday, May 04, 2008


The Hitchcock marathon continues .. :) Rebecca is a psychological thriller in which every character is haunted by their own minds. There is no one to catch or there is no mystery to be solved but the characters are deeply haunted by some thing or the other throughout the movie. Mr De Winters who is depressed with the death of his wife Rebecca marries a naive and modest young woman who enters the Manderley only to find that everyone there adores Rebecca. As time passes she feels more and more alien to the Manderley palace. It seems as if Rebecca is the one who decides the course of events in everyone's lives in the Manderley palace even though she is dead a long time back. The second Mrs De Winters tries desperately to be loved by De Winters only to find that he is haunted every moment by the death and memories of Rebecca. Hitchcock launched his career in Hollywood with this movie and this movie went onto become one of all time great movies. This movie is also considered by many to be the best work of the "Master of Suspense".


ChetanG said...

Read an abridged version of this book as a kid and saw this movie. A great story and Hitchcock creates the same slow, haunting and far-away mood. Watch psycho and vertigo... they have the same effect too.... great story and he manages to create the perfect mood.

Narendra said...

How did u like the book in comparison to the movie..I think the book must be equally interesting..

Pallavi Damera said...

hey... actually i read the book not chetan:P by mistake i posted the comment on his log in... anyways i think reading thrillers is always more exciting for me than wathcing movie as it fires up my own imagination and makes me more involved mentally which is the most important aspect to enjoying a thriller... movies snap u away even with the slightest bit that wont convince u...